Cate Blanchett, Videogame intro



Cate Blanchett like intro read in the style of Lord of the Rings

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the time loop was served. At last, the battle spanning 2000 years came to an end and peace prevailed. The light of the four crystals revived the wind, water, earth and fire. It all began with a trivial misunderstanding. But it was enough to open garlands. Heart of darkness. His hatred swelled with the four forces of nature and from it were born before fiends of chaos. Evil swallowed the world, plunging it into darkness. But that is now part of the stuff of legends. Thanks to the courage and strength of the four warriors, the Warriors will travel in time once more the world to which they will be restored to its nature. State Princess Sara, Queen Jane and even Garland will be there, oblivious to what happened in that time Twisted dimension. But when did it all happen? The source of chaos lay in a strand of time. Loop it around to connect 2000 years, four warriors were chosen by the very same forces that had plunged the world into darkness. These four forces with the key to banishing the darkness as well. And when everything was over, the memories of the four warriors journey to the past was destined to be lost forever. But their deeds will survive in people's hearts. As legend, the tales would be passed down for generations to come. DH wolves and elves, dragons and people who reach for the stars Oh, I will cherish the tails The warriors are returning Travelling back from the world 2000 years passed with the memory of their journey buried deep within their hearts they will carry on their lives and watch over the world Never forget the light of this world must always be guided in the right direction. If it goes astray, darkness will come again A crystal shines within every heart A crystal gleams within your heart too For you are the one who fought The battle spanning 2000 years made the world be blessed with light for eternity