Documentary: We, The Farmers



Insight into what it means to be a farmer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you're lucky, someone hits the pause button. You wake up to the canvas of a country, you cross the line, rewrote. You start hearing things out here. People still make things with their hands. This is where time passes and nobody cares. It's the beginning and the end of everything. He stitches jeans, raises cattle. She makes engines, teaches kids to dance out. Here, Children roam and work and make meals. It's where free range parenting is. Just parenting and wielding. A corner joint is meditation farmers. Fetus out here. This is food saluting, harvesting, breathing in and out. This is peace. This is bravery. This is taking care of each other. This is the chiseled face of history. The reason we're still here. These are the people that pay attention. Where lies air changed and no one ever knows it. This is the stillness that makes us all the same out here. This is who we are.