Business Video Demo

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


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pipelines are at the core of modern human infrastructure. Every city building in person relies on transferring water, oil or gas through a ram ified pipe system, and at the heart of it are the pumps. Pumps require nearly 20% of the world's energy consumption, a market of over $1.2 trillion a year. These are a vital part of the infrastructure. But pumps also caused turbulent flow, which causes the matter to slow down, significantly reducing efficiency and driving up energy costs. A B I Energy presents the pressure wave generator, first of its kind solution for turbulent flow that aims to revolutionise pipeline delivery costs. The device generates pressure waves that constantly aligned the flow according to the specific turbulence that the pump generates. By constantly sampling the flow coming out of the pump, the PWG ensures a much smoother and efficient stream. The flow alignment can remain up to 100 kilometers of pipe length. The result 25% reduction and pumping energy costs. This is how it works. The PWG samples the fluid or gas before the pump and applies the pressure wave after the pump. The result is a smooth flowing stream, but there's more. The PWG system also reduces piping system maintenance costs by 10% due to flow improvements and even eliminates the filter jamming problem. The system consumes very low energy and is installed externally to existing pipelines without the need to damage the pipes or to make changes to existing delivery schedules. Contact A B I energy for details.