Thomas Copeland Jr. - Characters, Animated, Storyteller



Here is a Podcast Narrative. Enjoy! All characters in the narrative where read and performed by myself. Thank you

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ah, come on, car, Jal! Wake up, man. Shake your boots. My mouth! Foul tasting and stiff fumbled at the shapes of words. What happened? What? My eyes dropped. When I got them open. I saw two men in black leathers bending over me. We were still inside. Gravity. Get out of the sky! Hawk! You're coming with us. What? Even through the layers of the data they got me on Lee, a criminal under interstellar law could be removed from a passage paid starship once he's formally checked in on board. I was legally at this moment on my planet of destination. I haven't been charged. Did I say you had snapped one man? Shut up. He's duped, the other said hurriedly. Luck, he continued, pronouncing every word loudly and distinctly. Get up now and come with us. The quarter nature will hold off. Last off if we don't get off in three minutes and operations will scream. Come on, please. There I was, stumbling along the light of empty corridor swaying between the two men, fatherly realizing the crew must think of me as a fugitive caught trying to leave the planet. Locks dilated. A uniform space man washed us Fuselier regarding a krone meter. He fretted the dispatches office. We're doing the best we can. The Space Force man said, Can you walk car Joel? I wasn't sure. Uh, I'll try.