On-Platform Policy: Client

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Key Questions about the Terms of Service
Voices Terms of Service Violation

Below you'll find different situations in which the Terms of Service Policy may be violated and what to do. Most violations are accidental and result in an educational warning. However, if more violations occur, this can result in account termination. For more information on our Community Guidelines, please click here

Key Questions About the Terms of Service

Here are some key questions to consider when thinking about whether a Talent request will result in a Terms of Service violation and how to handle them.


What to do 

Taking jobs off Voices
  • Is the Talent offering to take the job off platform in an attempt to circumvent the platform fee?
  • Did you hire a Talent on our platform and then reach out to them off platform for additional/new work?
  • Is the Talent leading me away from the Voices site, and expressing an interest in making a payment elsewhere?
  • Has the Talent deliberately guided me offsite?
  • Did the Talent discover my opportunity through Voices and then attempt to contact me offsite (ie. LinkedIn)?
  • Is the Talent asking me to send any future opportunities directly to them?
  • Is the Talent asking me to send them the completed version of your project via email/social media or any means other than Voices?
What to do if a talent asks for future projects to be sent to them outside of Voices

We encourage you to respond to the talent, here is some verbiage that has worked out well in the past:  

If another opportunity comes up that you’d be a good fit for, I’ll invite you to the job through the Voices platform.

In this scenario, please don’t hesitate to contact Support and we would be happy to follow up with the Talent.

What to do if a talent contacts you outside of Voices

Please don’t hesitate to let Support know and we will follow up with the Talent directly. Customer Support will need the Job ID number and the Talent name. 

Here is some verbiage that has worked as a response in the past:

Thank you for reaching out! It is best practice to keep all communications on Voices as per the Voices Terms of Service policy. Can you share the files/ any questions you may have/can we negotiate on here please?


How to send a completed project to a talent without going off platform

Sometimes Talent will request to see the finished project. If you would like to share that with the Talent, we recommend sending them a Dropbox link through the Voices messaging system.

Job issues

  • Was the job taken off platform because it was difficult to navigate the platform? 
  • Is the Talent offering to accept payment on their account for another Talent (ie. son/daughter, friend, family member)?
  • Have you hired a Talent and then discovered they used AI technology without your knowing?
  • Have you received an audition from a child under the age of 18 years old?
  • Was the Talent late in delivering the files for your project?

What to do if you’re having difficulty navigating the platform

If you need any assistance navigating the platform please reach out directly to our Support team or contact your Account Manager. You can find their contact information by logging into your Voices account, on the right side of the screen after logging in. 

Our Help Center is a great resource for finding the answers to your most difficult questions. For your convenience, you can access that information here.

How to add an additional payment 

If you’ve worked with a Talent in the past and would like to work with them again or have an ongoing project, we have put provisions in place to make your experience more efficient. 

Our Add a Payment feature allows you to instantly add additional funds to an existing project. Adding an additional payment reopens your job and allows you to submit a new agreement with the updated terms of your project.This feature allows you to quickly and efficiently work with a talent and is especially useful when you don’t need to hear another audition. 

For more information on how to add an additional payment please click here.

How to privately invite talent to a job

If you prefer to start a new job but only want to invite a specific Talent, you have the ability to send a private invitation.

You can start by searching for them by name. Once their bio has populated in the search results, select the "Request a Quote" tab next to their demo to the right. This will prompt you to either create a new job posting just for them or invite them to an "Existing Job". Once that is completed a private invitation will be sent out to that specific Talent.

What to do if a talent missed a deadline/their work was low quality

If you encounter a situation in which the Talent has delivered files late or the file quality is poor, we always recommend having a discussion directly with the Talent first to determine a fair resolution for both parties. 

In the event that a mutual resolution cannot be reached, then we would recommend contacting Support.


For more information about our refund policy, please click here.

Other potential Term of Service Violations

  • Did you receive an audition from someone under the age of 18?
  • Have you seen an account for someone under the age of 18?

Child accounts and auditions

As of May 2021, it is a violation of our Terms of Service for those under the age of majority (18 years old) to use Voices even under the management of a parent or guardian. As such, if you come across a child account, please let us know and we will reach out to the Talent directly. We have a number of Talent over the age of 18 that can provide an outstanding child like Voice for your project.


Voices Terms of Service Violations

What we don’t allow

  • Any violation of the Terms and Conditions listed in Section 1 of the Terms of Service, (i.e., not adhering to safe/secure registration and maintenance of user accounts, including passwords, etc.)

  • Sharing personal contact information (unless it’s for a live directed session after a deposit)

  • Contacting Talent off-platform

  • Directing Talent to find you by social media or website

  • Contacting Clients off-platform

  • Directing Clients to find you by social media or website

  • Talent misrepresenting an artificial or AI voice as their own

  • Talent reusing IP that has been previously sold and granted to a Client (Section 12 (f) (i and ii)), i.e., unauthorized usage of User-Generated Content from the site, or reusing User-Generated content that has been previously sold and granted to a Client is not allowed.

  • Talent delivering Work Product that does not comply with Section 13 (e), i.e., all Work Product files, must also uphold the rights of any third party that may be involved with a project. Work Product also must be compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, and codes.

  • “Any” general attempt to circumvent the Site or Services to complete a job

  • Taking payment off of the platform

  • Client unilaterally changing the agreed-upon amount to be paid for Work Product (re: Section 8 (d)), i.e., Clients may not invoice or report an amount different from the job agreement.

  • Client’s failure to abide by Section 11 (f), (l), or (m), i.e., Clients are responsible for paying all job fees specified in the service agreement. Voices reserves the right to suspend service or site use if you fail to pay fees by the due date. Job Fees will be remitted to Voices and held until the Client expressly releases the funds or 14 days after the Talent has submitted final files, at which point funds are released by Voices on the Client’s behalf.

  • Having an account and being under the age of 18 

  • Spamming

  • Fraud

  • Any other malicious uses

  • Client usage of IP that contravenes Section 12 (g), i.e., Clients do not have the right to use Work Product files until all Job fees have been paid. 

  • Using any Talent Content audio without payment or express approval from Voices, including but not limited to: voice over demos, voice over auditions, voice over final Work Product, translation or audio production Work Product

  • Usage beyond the scope of the job agreement/job posting

  • Any unauthorized use of User Generated Content from the Site

  • Violation of our Community Guidelines

  • Lack of Professionalism. This includes bullying, harassment, etc., of fellow users and Voices employees.

  • Using Voices while domiciled in a sanctioned country per Voices SCP policies (Section 13 (g)), i.e., including, but not limited to, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or the Crimea Region.

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Article Number
First Published
06/20/2024 13:46
Last Modified
06/20/2024 13:49
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