Corporate Explainer

Video Narration


Sample of Corporate Explainer video VO. Articulate, Positive, Authoritative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There are two kinds of management consultancies, the reasonable consultancy, they find comfort in adapting to the way things are, the way things have always been over the past decade, all across America Comcast has connected more than 10 million people in need to the internet. Now we've launched project up a commitment to reach tens of millions more with the resources to succeed in the digital world. It's our comprehensive initiative to advance digital equity and help build a future of unlimited possibilities. Are you looking to leverage A I at the edge to bring bold new abilities to your business. Intel and Aero electronics are here to help work. It's an essential part of what makes us human, the pride, we feel an accomplishment, the dignity of self reliance, the desire to make things and to make things better in today's fast paced and sometimes somber media cycle seven in 10 Americans report suffering from news fatigue but good things are happening all around us. Humanity is defined as all human beings collective, the human race, humankind by its very nature. Humanity is the ultimate expression of diversity. Each one of us, a piece of this beautiful puzzle that creates the picture we call our work.