An Array of Varied Character Voices! Long Edition

Profile photo for Aaron Gray
Not Yet Rated


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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yo, what's up? My name is Lenny. I've been like best buds with Ben since I was a larva. Oh, my weaknesses. Well, I kind of spring these leaks whenever I get nervous, but let him hard working and dried skin. So when do I start? I am Taylor Taylor of the Knights Templar, currently of service to the good king of all radio Terra. It is a fine and noble position wherein I shall fulfill any request to the best of my vast abilities. It certainly doesn't hurt that I am quite the buff physical specimen. Ha muscles. Would you like to see me bench Press a cow? I'm Jude Burns. I spent 20 years of my life in the wilderness prepping for the apocalypse and training my two boys how to survive. But due to some bad judgment and little too much whiskey, I'm locked in a bunker with a computer that only wants to talk about feelings. And I missed the damn apocalypse. Let's have a look at some re alive monkeys in action. Amanda Kiki Randy Breakfast. Oh, good sweet galloping guerrillas that my monkeys air on the loose. I can't have monkeys on the loose who knows what would happen? You boys ever heard of Makoko? We'll get 30 cards each. Each card has an animal on it. Dolphins goods Next about ships, a neutral. But if you got all sheep, that's great unless one of the sheep is upside down. In which case that's so, so bad. And that's why you gotta be sure that your sheep is not a snake dressed up like a sheep. Drop a beat, Hugo. Yeah, Too late. The moments gone. Good night. It is an honor. It burns me that we must be enemies, that I must grind you into dust. But such is the eternal battle off good versus evil LA It was a huge black panther with crazy yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth. No, this is not like the cactus man. Where are you going? But it's really this time.