Video Game Voice Over Demo ~ Abigail Turner



Check out my range in the video game world! From gritty fighters, to elegant royalty; from a geeky young boy, to a computer discovering humanity; I'm here to breathe life into your story. Let's make some cool stuff!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Something's wrong. I can't sense Ilya's blessing anymore. Oh, screw. It should have known not to trust a being. I can't punch Nova. Make yourself gone. Now we are doing this old school. Congratulations. Recruits on initiating your legacies. Indelible, not only by the tenacity of your work, but your loyalty to a cause. You must now choose, choose wisely. Unfortunately, I had to hide them from my parents last week. Buried them. Hope they're still fresh. But that's all I'm saying. I don't want to go to jail for being the dreadful villain. I am tricks on me. Everyone. Successful hands cannot go unrewarded. Ah, briefly. No human heads on the bar. The juices from the brain tend to stain, put it through. Now, in what world do you think? That was a? Yes, please go ahead and put a random through to my hollow. I'd love to take a call. You two idiots are trying to get me killed that they aren't you for a while. I was considering returning home. But together, maybe we can make things better for both of our kinds. Maybe home can be where you are. You were the one who told me to bleed them. You said I feel nothing. Tell me. Do you feel nothing?