Voices.com Clips

Profile photo for Adam Riley
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Sample clips from completed jobs through Voices.com

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
is the clutter in your home bringing you down? Now there's an easier way to take your space back. We're zip box on demand storage experts, and we're taking the hassle out of storage from up here. Everything seems so peaceful, soaring like a bird. It's one of humankind's greatest achievements. Just jumped by hostile tangos. Westbound I am man down and in desperate need of assistance or a medevac HQ copy. Execute you copy. Does anyone copy? Did you know that almost six million acres of pulse crops were planted in this province in 2016? That's the equivalent of 195 cities of ******. So you want to make money from your website? What are your options? Unless you're selling a physical product, adding advertising to your site is really your only choice. Look at the world today. What do you see? The largest youth population in history, most in developing countries. Cliffs Summer Readers program helps low income at risk, and rural Children reduce their risk of the summer slide. When those who do not read over the summer lose an average of two months worth of reading skills, Humankind's greatest challenges always have a way of inspiring breakthroughs. Challenges motivate the world's sharpest minds, breed new innovations into the industrial landscape, recreate how carbon emissions are reduced or repurposed for the greater good and generate ideas that end up changing everything.