Hollywood Homicide Audiobook



Mystery Genre- F/F Dialogue

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what do you feel is your biggest challenge in your relationship with Mr brody? I thought for a moment. Making time for each other? I replied truthfully. We're both very focused on our careers so it's a struggle to balance that with making time for each other. Dr Georgia looked off camera toward one of the producers he waved his hand in the air as if telling her to move on. Apparently my answers weren't interesting enough. She flipped to the second page on her clipboard. I took the opportunity to jump in. By the way I'm sorry about your husband. I told her her head snapped up look of surprise on her face as if she'd forgotten all about him already. Um Yes thank you. I can't imagine how difficult this all must be for you. She cleared her throat suddenly looking distinctly uncomfortable. Yes it is. When did you last see him? I asked gently. I hoped I wasn't pushing too hard. There was a fine line between sympathetic, both therapy patient and nosey tabloid reporter looking for something to text her editor. I will yesterday afternoon at the obstacle drill I asked or did you see him afterward? I uh I don't know I mean no the last time I saw him was at the drill. Clearly dr Georgia was not used to being the one in the hot seat. I nodded. It's just well I heard that dr Williams sometimes snuck a cigarette where the cameras couldn't see who told you that dr George's head whipped around the room silently accusing any crew member in residents? Is that what he was doing yesterday? I asked, avoiding her question. How should I know? She mumbled, her eyes going back to her clipboard. Oh I just thought maybe you'd gone looking for him. I mean you did show up late to the drill, did I? Oh well I guess something came up. What sort of something I asked something that is none of your business. Dr Georgia said pointedly rats so much for my stealth investigation skills.