Jenniferology Audiobook



First Person Narration - Young Adult Genre

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I found myself directing my eyes back out the same window that bore my fingers, nose and forehead prints For the 3rd day of our butt numbing car ride. The terrain had changed from yesterday's red Georgia, clay and pines to palm trees and white sand infested with fleas. Did I tell you heather? I signed us up for the jet ski excursion said fell my mother's newest and most certainly not improved boyfriend still had come along on this road trip for a couple of reasons. One Because he provided the wheels in his as he prefers to call it vintage 1983 Mercedes Benz until, because he's taking my mother on an all expense paid company vacation. A royal caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. This was not the only reason why I was in the car though. I was a pain A Royal one. According to my mother, I was a nagging reminder that she was once married to my father and brought forth from his last, the loins me, jennifer bryce, Hamilton. Oh, Phil that sounds like such fun, squealed my mom from the seat in front of me. I've never driven one before. I'm driving, said Phil tossing his still lit cigarette butt out his window. You're piggybacking bills. Such a tight ***. Last night at dinner he shared his meatloaf, special with my mother and she ordered off the kitty menu for me As if I were five, thank God, soft drink refills were free otherwise I might have become dehydrated on the salty chicken nuggets. I had sat there like a good girl in my assigned back seat for far too many hours. It was time to rattle my mother's lusty, rendezvous. I can't freaking believe it! I exclaimed, Do you blame me? I know my mother does. Don't start with me, jennifer warned my favorite perennial target. She refused to turn around. Why not? Because I'm intruding on your life. What about my mom? The back of my mother's head answered with two hard shakes. I kicked her seat. She moved, Phil, let another cigarette.