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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) Nigerian South African (General) West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Africa is responding to a triple crisis of food insecurity, climate shocks and covid 19. Despite contributing the least to global warming, Africa finds itself on the frontline of the climate emergency. The Africa adaptation Acceleration programme or Triple A B, is the Africa lead Africa owned response to the continent's needs and priorities to reduce its vulnerabilities to climate change and accelerate adaptation, African leaders have put the Triple A pop at the heart of the solution to Africa's climate crisis. Led by the African Development Bank and the Global Centre and Adaptation, the Triple A P is mobilising $25 billion for climate adaptation investments in Africa Over five years. As one of the key driving forces behind this effort, President Uhuru Kenyatta has graciously accepted the role of global champion of the Triple A P. President Kenyatta's bold leadership will contribute to accelerating adaptation investments in chaos and mobilise the global community to support the largest adaptation initiative on the continent. Africa is responding to a triple crisis of food insecurity, climate shocks and covid 19. Despite contributing the least to global warming, Africa finds itself on the frontline of the climate emergency. The Africa adaptation, acceleration programme or Triple A B is the Africa lead Africa owned response to the continent's needs and priorities to reduce its vulnerabilities to climate change and accelerate adaptation, African leaders have put the Triple A pipe at the heart of the solution to Africa's climate crisis. Led by the African Development Bank and the Global Centre and Adaptation, the Triple A P is mobilising $25 billion for climate adaptation investment in Africa Over five years. As one of the key driving forces behind this effort, President Uhuru Kenyatta has graciously accepted the role of global champion of the Triple A P. President Kenyatta's bold leadership will contribute to accelerating adaptation investments in chaos and mobilise the global community to support the largest adaptation initiative on the continent.