Video Game Character Reel

Profile photo for Adam Jackson-Smith
Not Yet Rated


Tough US Soldier & Base Commander.
Feuding Hero & Villain - playful, mischievous and dynamic.
Sonorous, heroic video game Trailer

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the eagle has landed over. Good job. You've landed outside radar cover and the security team hasn't detected you get. Listen carefully. There's a communications antenna head. If you plan to transmission device, I'll be able to hack into sight. Tron, Security grid device sent over. Great. Tapping it now is a secure door ahead. Pascoe is 0119 Yuri Soon. Yes. Um, I repeat, 0119 David Heavy theory on this door. You're entering the help as well. No doubt the land elsewhere. You catch with their pants down. Copy that engaging target. You are strictly forbidden to touch those. Tell me what use is a weapon of all. It doesn't sitting there collecting dust. Father warned that their powers were beyond any one man. Don't mention him to me. He knows nothing. How dare you speak about Father that way? Way! We made him a promise. Thes weapons shall not leave the realms of this temple. Then it should be destroyed along with anyone who stands in my way. Put those weapons back where they belong. You don't have the authority to tell me what to do. Good bye, brother. Please don't do this. There are many enemies of the Imperium the alien, the heretic with demons who could save mankind from annihilation. The battle lines have been drawn on. The time to make a stand is now What side will you be?