Booking .com

Profile photo for AJ Jackson
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For this demo reel for the Booking website I delivered 3 different styles believable, excited and an accent Australian.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
here at booking dot com. You found the right place for you at the right time. You booked your trip and have the time of your life. Our job is to make sure you have the best rate. It's just that easy is booking dot com booking dot Yah. Here at booking dot com, you find the right place for you at the right time. You book your trip at the time of your life. Our job is to make sure you have the best rate. It's just that easy is booking dot com booking dot yah is booking dot Yeah. Here at booking dot com. You've found the right place for you at the right time. You book your trip and you have the time of your life. Our job is to make sure you have the best rate. It's just that easy. It's booking dot com bookie Nadia.