Narration Demo

Profile photo for Andrew Skjeveland
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're at work standing in an empty elevator when suddenly the guy you kind of know from accounting gets on. You can't just ignore him because that would be weird. But you don't really know what to talk about because you're not all that close. It's the classic, awkward conversation, and in this video we'll show you how to get through it. With city stumping, creatures like Godzilla and destroyer Japan invented the giant monster movie. In fact, they even have a name for it. Kaiju flourished during the years following World War Two as the Japanese people were still processing the physical and psychological damage of the atomic bomb. If you're over the age of 35 you probably know who Bob Ross is, either from watching and painters happy little trees when you're a kid or from the nearly 600 YouTube videos that have been posted since his death. But was Bob Ross really a great painter, or was he just the only danger that people actually knew? Way went to the experts to find out you could spend your entire vacation gazing at Switzerland's on inspiring natural beauty, but then you'd be missing out on all the other kinds of fun here, from the RT vibrant streets of Zurich to the medieval architecture of Burn and the party loving bars of laws and Switzerland is an urban paradise.