Animation Demo Reel - (bratty, deadpan, posh, nervous, raspy, mean)



A collection of demos that include some interesting characters: a youthful bratty teen, an emotionless (scary) girl, an affluent woman, a nervous girl, an older woman that sounds like she might be a chain-smoker, a relatable teen and a mean girl.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's how this is going to go. You're going to give me a 100% off discount. And if you don't, I'm going to have to tell my dad you know him right? The landlord. Listen, I know you hate his guts but everyone at work likes him. And let's be honest, he's a nice guy. Um, Priscilla, I know you said you hate when I interrupt, but he's right behind you. Sometimes when people bother me, I like to stare deep into their eyes, into the depths of their souls. Imagine a giant ax going through their head. Listen to their imaginary screams of terror and agony. Then smile. Welcome to my humble home. And before you ask, yes, everything inside is imported and handmade only the best for my guess. Ok, I, I don't know how many more times I need to say this, but I'm not going to the reunion. Everyone from high school will be there. And I think I've made it abundantly clear. I don't want to see them. So can we drop this? Yeah. No, no, I don't get out much. It's just me and my cats and my cats. But you know, we have fun. It's a good time. I had a pet pig named Coco once. What a fat smelly little thing she was. Thank you for reminding me of her. Uh, since when did they start letting the riff off into this place? Girls, I think our days at this mall are over.