Video Game (ENG)

Profile photo for Alex Marchi
Not Yet Rated


A mix of dramatic and comedic samples, accents and tones showcasing Alex's versatility.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Italian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm. Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are people known as the freemen who have long held a prophecy that a man would come a messiah, who would leave them to freedom. I I have no idea. We are innocent mer Egyptians. They We are interested in weapons. I have a fine selection. Captain Ludovico. This is the happiest day of my life. I wish I could fight at your side. Sir. I shot this in Your sports. Is champion. A clean kill through the eye. At some 1000 m we brought the planet to the brink of extinction. What I've initiated is a whole new world. A new species. Man and symbiont combined. You ticklish how he knows it's working. Keep going. Father christ. I mean, man, we can't wolf gas through the vans in here, Right, We're ******. Hey, Hey, can you hear me? No answer? Okay. Running person. If you can hear me Well, you're doing great doc Simmons says the Bedouin karaoke Afeaki