Animation & Games Demo

Profile photo for Alex McTavish
Talent Online


A sample of animation and video game voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mm. They're gone. Both of them. It was too late. I was just too late. I don't have much time left, but Mm, they're gonna pay. They're all gonna pay a pink elephant. Oh, I've always wanted a pink elephant. What about her big elephants? Do you think we could wish for two things? Hey, do me a favor and settle down back there. I got some live cargo that might get upset with all this. Foot's A J. As your friend, I think you've gone mad with power. And as your secretary, I think we're out of toner. Sisters of Toria. The blade mother had spoken. Bear your blades and take your vengeance because vampires need a queen soon or they'll lose their powers. And Lord Stoker chose me to be queen with a fake vampires heart. But I couldn't be a proper queen. So I decided I'd find the real vampires heart, which would lead me to the real queen. Which in reality is Elaine. Oh, come on, Ross. A joy and robot battle Royal is about to go down and we are not missing it. Alien robots are stationed at our backyard. We are living the dream I'll tell you what, Let's make it a fair trade. I get to keep the data recorder and you get to walk out of here with both your legs. You're not like these dogs. You like me smack daring. How? By vicious. Just tell me where is the crystal? I died at the peak of my sexual curiosity. You try spending the rest of eternity with raging hormones. You're inviting me to a party with people and crowds and loud music and dancing and socializing all I feel dizzy.