Character - Aggressive - Animated - Brave - Teenager - Male



Character demo for animation, cartoons, video games, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
be careful what you wish for a kid. Sometimes what seems to be just innocent dreams can become a dangerous reality. I did what I had to To survive the ends in this case justify the means. You don't get to judge my actions. Okay, so you're saying that we just stroll into the catacombs unarmed? You know, no weapons with nothing but this whole book you found in Dad's study in some crappy torch. Yeah, This is gonna go so great, we're gonna die. Those cruel mortals will never understand how truly wonders our folk can be. So what do you say we pay them a little visit and make them understand what they've done? How does that sound? Things really are different, aren't they? What happened? Look at us. The war is over. And while it all looks normal, I'm not the same, Am I? Hey, that's me that love ranch, will you? This baby just needs one little woo. You hear that? She's purring like a kitten. Now, how dare you? You think I'm not just as upset as you are? They were my friends too, you know. Dammit, I've been just a little bit faster to arm those explosives. They might have been able to get out of there in time. Well, well, well, You're kind. Are so interestingly suicidal. You all think that pushing yourselves to the brink is how you win. Let's get that serious.