Commercial Demo with a lot of variety

Profile photo for Alicia Hiller
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This commercial demo could also be for radio and online ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the Disney coloring world app. Kids get creative with their favorite Disney and Pixar characters. Boy exploring ever expanding universe of over 1000 stickers and mickey and Minnie Mouse. Go ahead, break a few rules. The Tamara Mellon collection at Bergdorf Goodman. Our Suburban is the perfect car for any adventure. My family wants to take cross country road trip room for eight means the kids can bring their friends snowmobiling in the mountains. We got snow wheel drive and 3.5 ton towing capacity for all the gear. Stop by your local chevy dealer and start your next adventure with limited time savings on the latest models. Time apart. It taught us one thing that time together around any table with people you love is what we say for most. The capital one Savor card, bring a bucket of fresh crispy Popeye's fried chicken to your next barbecue and be the life of the party or don't and bring gracie soggy. Store bought chicken that you take home with you when everyone's afraid to eat something that looks like cat food gone bad. Next time, go to Popeye's