Amber Lee English Full VO Demo

Profile photo for Amber Lee English
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo includes radio/tv commercials. Hard sell, soft sell, conversational, situational etc...

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're searching for outgoing, reliable and fun boys and girls to join the hot 17 Hot Kharazzi. This is a very special spring announcement for Mercedes fans, Country Hills. I tried their amazing mystic spray tan package and believe me, when I say I look radiant. I hate scraping the windows. Well if we had a garage, we wouldn't have this issue. What from a deep cross on? I said we need a garage. No, you need to be trained in the high tech aseptic equipment that decontaminate sterilizes and readies. The tools for the trade. The Halloween massacre weekend at the Treasury, friday october 26. It's the haunted house party featuring nine DJs all in one room grabbing a turkey Bacon club sandwich on warm sour dough bread from the in house bistro. The eighties stage With tom Dillon at Delta West Academy. They offer a program designed to enhance confidence and encourage independence. Get rowdy with your posse for wildlife, thursday's dig into $1 everything and everything is 74% off. That means that we can get a new bedroom set and what's in it for me