This Demo is voices that I thought would be fun

Profile photo for Ambesa Stump
Not Yet Rated


I have been practicing fore a while and I have taken online corses form other voice actors and I have help my friends flaky and school with voice acting.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if only someone could have warned you against such a miserable idea. Oh, wait, I did! But you pushed ahead and you lost it when all you had to do was your job. You think you're entitled to everything just because you suffered. But suffering isn't enough. You can't just be strong. You have to be smart. You can't just be deserving. You have to be worthy. And all you have ever been is a bloody migraine. I have got 1000 wars for purity in 1000 places. Yet the world still smells of sin. All right, You fools! You brought it on yourselves. Everything would've been fine if you only left me alone. This has driven me in your madness. With your peering through the keyholes and gasping to the curtains, and now you'll suffer for it. You're crazy to know who I am, aren't you? All right? I'll show you there are many types of monsters that scare me. Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves. Monsters who abduct Children. Monsters who live our dreams. Monsters who suck blood, and then monsters who tell nothing but lies lying Monsters are a real nuisance. They're much more cunning than others. They pose as human, even though they have no understanding of the human heart they eat, even though they've never experienced hunger. They study, even though they have no interest in academics, they seek friendship, even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them. Because in truth, I am that monster