Voices.com Completed Work Demo

Television Ad


A selection of TV, web, and social media work booked through VDC for Samsung, New Balance, Salesforce, Anthem, TriHealthNow, HVMN, Cercacor, and DMI.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sometimes you need a doctor's office far away. But right here, Cory Coco gal. Is she ready for the world stage? My pal Chrissy from R and D. That's me, she calls it Science. I call it magical adult chocolate milk. You're a creative person, and because of that, you've chosen a creative phone. Enter Galaxy Devices and Microsoft. One drive. That way you wouldn't have to cancel your entire day, packed the kids up and head to the ER waiting room instead of looking up for just shareholders. Businesses are now looking out for everyone. That's why we've developed an open platform model that brings together the optimization of your leveraged investments with the innovation of next Gen Technologies. What if you could know yourself and your health in a way you never have before? But we are sacrificing because what is nothing less than the lives of our brothers and sisters on? When people get the care they need, we have healthier communities on. That's what this is all about. Download the try Health Now app. Today it's like having a doctor in the family