English Female character voice, animation, cartoon, anime, video games



This is a mixture of original characters and impersonations of some of my favorite classic cartoon characters such as She-Ra Princess of Power and Kim Possible.

This demo was recorded, edited and mastered by me in my studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now, now just hold up. Here you two now. Just hold up. We don't need no islands. We don't need no violence. Just hold up now to even things a little bit for the honor of gray skull. The names shira and you can stop trying to call the king. I've freed the princess. Come on, you quackers. Basketball on that. Chess cover, your man, cover your man. Hey, it's the power puff signal. Come on. Let's go. Being 13 again. Is blue blue be well, being 18 is all popped up and waggles, wags. Fearless. I am not. I know, I know. I sound so random, but yes, I am. Ron. Please get a grip. Nothing is gonna come between us except that. Oh boy, I gotta go. Rudolph has gotten into the hot chocolate again and there's marshmallows everywhere. Hey, hey, come back here, Rudolph! Get back here.