Angus Macleod eLearning Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, slimeball, get ready for the toughest, meanest, most whole clenching lee intense week of your life. Wait, What? Isn't this the basic training in take video? All right. All right, my bad. Hello and welcome to your new hire orientation module for Chipotle. Sorry about that. Opened. The good news is it's time to learn about hygiene practices and how to fold a marina. Now drop and give me 20. No, no, no, no. Just kidding. This section of the Raytheon executive level Advancement Training covers our responsibilities as a major defense contractor. In this section, you will learn data security requirements, classified materials handling whether or not you have clearance potential consequences of noncompliance. Jasmine. Squeeze the hamster too hard and meet its squeak. So Mrs Klein put the hamster back in its habitat. This'll me, Tasman angry. And she threw her book. Now Jasmine's in a time out. What could jazz would have done differently? Well, look, Chris, I'm sure sorry to see you here again. The warden says you were in another fight joint. Talk about it is there to talk about the full came at me, so I dropped him. But that's not what the report says. The guards both say you were the one to start the fight, not the other inmate look, thistles. The third time you've been written up for fighting this month, What's going on, man? Is there something happening with your family that's got you upset? To date, two large cardiovascular outcomes studies have been published. The E M P A Rig Outcome study and the Canvas Study reporting a positive effect on composite primary cardiovascular endpoints. However, the two studied molecules, MPA glyph flows in and can a glyph flows have provided different results, suggesting a drug effect.