Animation demo

Profile photo for Anna Garduno
Not Yet Rated


These are original characters in addition to animated jobs I have done for films, TV and mobile apps

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
check it out guys. I'm online on my sister's computer. Yeah, I'm writing to her boyfriend Todd. I'm not wearing any underwear. Todd. Todd. I love you. All right, that's good. Now. Preston bob. Your daughter Kimberly learned a new word last night. Your daughter learned the word hickey and she learned it all over. Where's the vichy? Oh, believe it to me, boss. I know how to work that whole good little bad girl, bad little good girl thing. He'll be putty in my hands. Nobody wants an oyster that spits out sand dabs instead of pearls. Well, that's me. So I'm staying with billy and my cousin Billy. What are the odds of that happening? I heat it. Billy to me like I'm stupid. He's stupid off with the crown and with the crown, his head. And what else do we breathe? Take time to do him debt. I'm actually pretty busy right now. I'm hiding under this leaf from a big ant eater. Yeah, here you go. Doctor explains more pinkish and we're going to put the screen. I thought it was on this table. What's this? We found that there are those who prevail in this world and those who don't, those were strong and resourceful and those who are a week, you know, having busses doesn't eat everything Kirk, I'm already wearing a mask. I'm a raccoon. I'm not gonna catch anything a garbage all day long. Just a minute, honey. I'm teaching bobby fractions now bobby, that's three parts vodka and one part crammed now bring mommy that cocktail. I knew that the check up, putting will make an extra extraordinary finger paint.