Antoinette Fekete - Commercial Demo 2021

Video Narration


Antoinette Fekete - Commercial Demo 2021 - This demo has been described as Calming - Classy - Believable - Conversational - Smooth - Warm - Friendly - Genuine - Charismatic - Engaging - Sincere - Approachable - Confident - Announcer - Real Person - Spokesperson - Narrator

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At the source of life is one thing alone. Water from the dawn of time without it, nothing would exist. Welcome to Norway. It's hard to stay focused. I start to crash. Oh brother, how are you doing up the chainsaw? Um okay honey, I'll be there in a second. So what do I do? I reach for some five hour energy drink and everything feels more manageable. Hi, santa. Hi Susan. I am. I really hate to break it to you buddy, but I have some bad news. What what do you already had all your gifts elections delivered? You mean the razor's lego? Minecraft that you haven't here already. That's right with amazon prime. I got free two day shipping. It's been a crazy season. Do you need a specialized caregiver, fit for your family? And located in your neighborhood at care dot com. We are making it easier to find better care. Not just for your Children, but for your whole family. In addition to child care, we can help with your aging parents, your home and even your pets. Oh no. Looks like somebody made a boom, boom and doesn't have a very good credit score and that's how it went. Everybody treated me like a baby. But then I went to Golden one. Tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or if you have unusual changes in mood behavior or thoughts of suicide, pristine may cause or worsen, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or glaucoma kristic may be the key for battling your depression. Ask your doctor about Christine today. This is Antoinette vecchio to. Thanks for listening