Explainer Video

Video Narration


Explainer Video completed for a client

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hinglish) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ADP paychecks, gusto, QuickBooks. Every other peril company charges fees for their services, but we live in the new free economy. The most successful companies provide their services free. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. They make money, big money from advertising and premium services. So if a company can provide a great product and grow to a large enough user race that represents a well defined target market, well, that's the future in this new economy. Off free, we've seen what happens to companies that get stuck in the old economy. Netscape once owned the browser market, but you have to pay to use it. Remember when people paid $1000 for Encyclopedia Britannica had to pay for a Triple A membership to get a cryptic for directions and paid a monthly fee for an email account? Most of those