Statistics: Technical Narration


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Among the statistical options for assessing, you know, variant normality are the use of skew nous and ketosis coefficients as a reminder to the reader. Skew nous is a quantitative measure of the degree of symmetry of a distribution about the mean Curtis ISS is a quantitative measure of a degree of peak nous of a distribution. A variable can have significant skew nist, ketosis or both. When a distribution is normal, the values for skew, nous and ketosis are both equal to zero. If a distribution has a positive skew, I es que nous value greater than zero. There is a clustering of cases to the right and the left tail is extended with Onley a small number of cases. In contrast, if a distribution has a negative skew, I es que nous value less than zero. There is a clustering of cases to the right and the left tail is extended with only a small number of cases. Values for ketosis that are positive indicate that the distribution is to peaked with long thin tails. Ah condition known as leapt Oh, ketosis Curtis is values that are negative indicate that the distribution is too flat, with many cases in the tales, a condition known as Plata ketosis