Aga Khan University CIME - Clip 2

Profile photo for Ali Babool
Not Yet Rated


This is a clip from a track recorded for an informational video about technology present at the Aga Khan University's Center for Innovation in Medical Education.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the HBs accurately mimics medical conditions and responds automatically to clinical interventions. Much like a real patient, it exhibits normal and abnormal heartbeats, respirations, pulse temperature and I movement to name a few. Several medical professionals from various fields such as anesthesiologists, nursing professionals, emergency medicine professionals, internal medicine professionals and critical care unit technologists utilize the H P s to enhance their skills and prepare for real life scenarios. Let's explore the HP s clinical features to understand how it facilitates simulation based training. For example, we can administer anaesthetic agents and medical gases to produce Nero muscular cardiovascular and pulmonary physiological responses. It can generate a realistic respiration cycle by triggering a negative pressure reflex. This technology allows HP SCB compatible with external life support devices, ventilators, oxygen masks, an anesthesia systems. The HP S can also generate various physiological airway conditions, including tongue swelling, fair NGO obstruction, Laurinda Spasm and Broncho spasm. To cope with such abnormalities, the H p s can facilitate or a trick You'll Neza tracheal endotracheal, right main stem retrograde and fiber optic intubation. We can perform real time cardioversion on the HP s by using a real defibrillator. One convene you the real time E c g on the external monitor