Italy's Olive Trees Are Dying

Profile photo for Bernard de Vaal
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An extract from the article, \"Italy's Olive Trees Are Dying. Can They Be Saved?\" by Alejandra Borunda.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the first withered olive trees appeared near Gallipoli in the Apulia region of southern Italy. Bunches of leaves turn brown and crunchy around the edges. Then whole growth started to wane. Farmers whose families have tended olives for generations watch their trees dry up and their businesses plummet. At first, it wasn't clear what was causing the decline. Was it a fungus? A virus was something else entirely. Scientists showed up in the olive groves to sample the trees, urgently trying to find the cars. One researcher from a local agricultural institute had just come back from a conference in California. We had learned about the plant bacterium Zaid Leela, festive dosa. The symptoms the olive growers were seeing, he realized, looked exactly like what he had seen in the talks he'd attended. Sure enough, when he and his colleagues tested the Italian trees, they found the bacterium lurking in there. Woody hearts