Lush- Naked Products- TVC- American Female Narrator

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Informative, Cheerful, Authentic VO

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when it comes to making new products, we've always enjoyed doing things a little differently. This christmas that innovation shows no sign of slowing down and we continue to seek out quality ingredients which are cruelty free and ethical, a powerful combination, which results in cosmetics that look and smell great. But we want to do more. Here's how the lush product innovators have been thinking outside the pot refining formulas and exploring ways to strip back plastic to offer you some packaging free alternatives to your bottled and potted favorites. After much discussion diagrams and long lab hours, we had a new awakening, say hello to the sexy new naked range. Using less water and zero packaging means more money to spend on incredibly rich ingredients. And guess what? They work exactly the same way as they're packaged counterparts. Oh and did we mention the naked products last longer to some may call this a breakthrough in cosmetics science in your local store and online you'll find a whole bunch of fresh products which are naked and waiting for you not to gift wrap this season so why not enjoy our products? Unwrap this year. Mhm. Yeah.