John Grimes Commercial Demo 2021

Television Ad


John Grimes: The Voice Rated E for Edge (and more!) Whether promoting an EPIC sports event, EXUDING authority for a political candidate, or EMBRACING toughness for a cowboy-style tagline, John delivers the EMOTION to the fullest. . .EACH and EVERY time!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the number one video game in the world is ready for you to conquer. Think like a Viking conquer like a Viking assassin's creed. Valhalla. You hear people say the roads are bad out there, but it's not a Rhodes fault that gets covered in ice and snow. And maybe if you drove a cheap, you could get out there and see for yourself. There's only one cheap out here on the open road. There's nothing that can get between you and a juicy Carl's junior burger. Who needs a napkin when no one's watching Burgers, fries and a Coke. Don't bother me. A meeting introducing the Memphis barbecue Thick burger Only at Carl's Jr the usual happens again and again and again. We invite you to escape the conventional and embrace the delectable welcome to the world of Hendricks Gin only infused with rose and cucumber. Undeniably peculiar, utterly delicious. Hey, you, yeah, you want to add some style to your state and, of course, breakfast. Well, try adding this or this or this breakfast with a side of imagination, a better breakfast from a better hotel. This is true by Hilton