Ad for anti-virus software, wacky, cartoonish character
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Young Adult (18-35)Accents
North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. It's nice to meet you. They love a computer virus. Yeah, that's right here. Here to infect your computer. Oh, don't worry. I, I'll only slow things down for a few days. Maybe I send out copies of myself to all of your friends and email contacts and nothing too serious except your computer might be completely unusable by the time I'm done with it. Thanks to the fact that you didn't properly install your cyber keeper software. Like the tech department to ask you to. Yeah, I can pretty much waltz right in and have a party party. Yeah. Maybe, maybe I'll invite a few of my hacker friends to join me.