Non Fiction Self-Improvement/Self-Development Audiobook



Showcases skill in educational audio narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
fusion workouts aren't exciting and innovative. Way to get fit, build strength, change your body composition and feel good. This unique way to train optimizes the best of a variety of exercise forms, including fitness, yoga, Pilates and bar, providing endless workout programs that are effective, challenging and fun. The distinct blending effusion workouts is an efficient way to gain strength, muscle definition, endurance, flexibility and balance. And it will never get boring because the combinations of exercises are endless. Whether you want an invigorating or restoring workout, fusion workouts are versatile and we'll meet your daily needs. Fusion workouts provide a wide range of exercises and workout plans that are motivating, safe and highly effective, regardless of your experience, fitness level or interests. Best of all, no specialized equipment is necessary. Just your body. You will learn a simple system for choosing from more than 100 exercises to create a complete workout, mix and match the exercises to build your work out for the day or follow the preplanned workouts based on your available time, goals, interests or fitness level. This book will give you the knowledge to succeed by providing movement descriptions and well designed fusion workouts Each exercise description includes simple yet effective instructions for how to perform the exercise to get maximum results and tips and modifications that make the exercise adaptable toe a variety of exercisers.