Mass Transportation Virgin Hyperloop Explained

Video Narration


Cari narrates an explainer video about the Virgin Hyperloop.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hyperloop is a new form of mass transportation that will set the standard for 21st century travel by connecting cities in minutes. Mhm. It starts with a near vacuum environment inside a tube which enables high speeds and low power consumption by nearly eliminating aerodynamic drag Inside that tube. Battery powered pods glide at speeds up to 670 mph comfortably, safely and quietly using our proprietary magnetic levitation and propulsion. After building and testing the world's first Hyperloop system. We are now focused on our commercial product. The key to our product is guided by a design that is elegant through its simplicity. Future proof due to its modularity and guided by the principles of this century, not the last to do this. We've moved levitation power and propulsion onto the pot. Our proprietary levitation engines make Hyperloop 10 times more efficient than the world's fastest maglev trains. Today, the engines contain a raise of electromagnets which lift and guide the pod within the track. Hyperloop also supports on demand service and high throughput by having pods travel in convoys unlike train cars, pods are not physically connected, which allows for individual pods to have different destinations just like a car taking an off ramp, pods can split off while the rest of the convoy continues on. The absence of moving parts on the track and the advantage of levitation and guidance on top of the pot allows for high speed switching and convoy to take place seamlessly. These next generation innovations not only enable ultrafast speeds but provide on demand directed destination service carrying tens of thousands of passengers per hour per direction at airplane speeds with zero direct emissions, vast effortless journeys that expand possibilities. This is virgin Hyperloop, Yeah, yeah.