English, French, Spanish, accents in Irish,Scottish, East Indian

Profile photo for Jonathan Donald
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Worked as announcer and interviewer at KPFA San Francisco, WBAI New York, also used vos in my television productions for ABC, Nat Geo, Discovery, PBS, and foreign broadcasters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Giovanni Belzoni was among the first 19th century European explorers to visit Egypt. Belzoni was 6 ft eight inches tall. A physical giant who in his youth had been a carnival performer, lifting enormous weights with his powerful arms. Though born in Italy, he traveled to England as a boy and considered himself an Englishman in search of new endeavors. He put aside weightlifting and traveled to Alexandria in Egypt where he was hired by Henry Salt, the English consul to find and bring out relics of Egypt's extraordinary past up until then, the heat of the desert had stymied European explorers but not Belzoni. After working for salt, the circus strongman began collecting for himself, selling his fines in Britain France and Italy notable among these was a seven ton bust of Pharaoh Ramses, the great, who was best known by his Greek name, Ozim Manius that Belzoni brought to the British Museum in London. The romantic poet Percy B. Shelley wrote a poem celebrating Bel Zone's find, but also moved by the lonely fate of the once great pharaoh. He gave voice to the emptiness of human vanity and the futility of greatness for even the most historic rulers writing in the name of the pharaoh. He said my name is Osaman Deus king of kings. Look on my works. Ye mighty and despair. Nothing beside remains round the decay of this colossal wreck boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away. Two men at the base of the Eiffel Tower approach each other. The first man sports a graying mustache. He passes his car to the other who reads it. Benjamin Maui. Enter poor New York. Maori answers. Yes. And you are Jouvet. Hi, Poly. Jouvet replies the graying mustache handing Maori his card. Mary reads it. Hippolyte sounds Greek. Exactly. So many French names have Greek or Latin Roots. Maori reads the rest of Jove's card. DGC. I directorate of General Criminal Intelligence and SDAT, the anti-terrorist sub directorate. I believe these two powerful agencies perform services akin to what the FBI does in the US. Jove nods and justice to the tower. Precisely. Let's go up to the restaurant in the tower and have a coffee. We can talk there sour. Mash. The long ago adventures of an American is the 19th century story of a plain country man from Missouri with a peculiar name. He performs heroic feats of daring do and survives terrible calamities armed only with his astonishing innocence. Sal Mash's adventures take him across country to the gold mining town of madness where mercury poisoning has made all of the people loopy. And then on to a telling encounter with Simon Hog Maws, an oversized svengali spouting tales of gold and glory to entrap his victims. Fleeing from hog maws sour has a narrow escape from Quicksand, wild Indians. And then of all things, a quick acting laxative called Pluto water. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness. It was the epic of belief. It was the epic of incredulity. It was the season of light. It was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope. It was the winter of despair.