\"Healthy Thinking Habits: Seven Attitude Skills Simplified\"



Cathy Burnham Martin’s approachable credibility shines through in Cathy Burnham Martin’s approachable credibility shines through in training and nonfiction voiceovers. In her nonfiction audiobook “Healthy Thinking Habits,” her articulate delivery is caring, confident, and warmly engaging.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
great attitudes are not easy to come by. What's even more annoying is the simple fact that we can't blame a bad attitude on genetics. We can't control what happens to us or around us, but we have complete control over how we respond to it. That response can have an amazing impact on our health, both immediately and collectively. Think about people with the uncanny ability to roll with the punches, challenges seem to roll off their backs like water off a duck. Not everyone translates that outward sense of calm to inner peace, looking smooth on the surface, but paddling like crazy underneath the water surface could actually twist our stomach into knots or increase our risk of heart disease, all because of inner stress when Impersonating argentine actor, Fernando, LAMAs, american entertainer and comedian Billy Crystal said it's better to look good than to feel good and you will look marvelous, but that was comedy, This is real life, especially in the long run, we need to feel good in order to look good. And it all starts with how we think healthy eating habits, get plenty of attention, healthy thinking habits should too, that means we need to develop good attitude habits or healthy thinking habits if you will, we often hear that success is determined much more by attitude than aptitude or skill. Even the noted german physicist and genius, Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than information. I call that a ringing endorsement of the idea that attitude beats aptitude, generating a consistently great attitude is no small task, It's an ongoing process, we need to maintain for the rest of our happy lives.