Animation & Video Games - Character Reel



Character reel for some things I've played over the past few months. For some reason I usually play the villain, hahaha.

Hope you like it!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (Latino) Spanish (Mexican) Spanish (Neutral - International)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, that's a sorry sight, Frey. Little Buckley, afraid of a visitor at his door. Or perhaps it's me. You're afraid off we dominate the slave trade in the frontier. Let no one tell you otherwise. Oh, you have the same humor as your father. No, not just any birthday. The day you will unlock your full demonic power. I'm trying to protect you. But how will I do that if you just won't listen? No, I'm single s I N g l e single Dance your get that question in his feet. So Okay, man, I just saw regresses when you were a child. For the first time we met in this forest, I conjured a flurry of snowflakes and danced with you. Or try Thio. Hello, E.