Bob Feldman Compilation of Voices

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My Regular Guy demo features many of the voices and skills you're looking for: comedic, NYC regular guy, sincerity, enthusiasm for the product and, most importantly, believability.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


Italian (American) North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Bronx. Harlem to ****'s Kitchen. Lady Liberty to Little Italy. You want to shoot something bigger than life shooted in New York. Click NYC that Gove. Here in Mills flowers were experts in affairs of the heart, Cubans of our time. Artisans of romance. When a man's gotta ask himself Oh my gosh, how many is she? He calls us over Mills Flowers. Now I make learning a privilege, not a chore. I make frustration a tool, not an obstacle. I make working hard, seem easy on giving up Impossible. I'm a teacher. I'm make war. Look on my face. That's no lonely. That's hungry. So I'm gonna have a snack to feel better. See, now I feel better. Make your face happy. He'll play. So it's 10 a.m. In the packaging here. If that Freddie's about to take a little Tony for a ride next time. Betcha. Tone uses FedEx next time. Ha, I'm funny