Animation Demo



Chelsea Krause Animation Reel- includes samples of heroic action characters, bubbly young kids, excited British scientist, annoyed goth teenagers, confused robotic assistants, sultry southern belles, and dastardly melodramatic villains.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey! Hey! Hey, don't panic. Okay, I'm here to protect you. I just gotta find my sword. Gotta be around here somewhere. He goes past the turbo loop through the tunnel and past the finish line. And yes, he hey. No, fair. You cheated. I'm telling mom. Mom ha ha ha. Oh, it would appear you've underestimated me now. Hand over the gems before I destroy your little friends. Um Excuse me. MS are you a princess? I've always wanted to be one. But my mom says it's not a real profession. I don't care that you're my lab partner. I just want to get through this semester without bursting a blood vessel. So miss overly cheerful. You can march yourself to another table because I work alone. Please. I beg of you, my brother. He isn't in his right mind. I just want to see him. Please please allow me to pass access denied You have 10 seconds until this building will self destruct. Everyone is counting on me, my friends, my family. I have to do my duties as the Magic Guardian. I swear to you, I won't give up