Pirate Voice - TVC We're Sinking - Character Voice - Brian Stivale

Profile photo for Brian Stivale
Talent Online


Brian voices Pirates or Pirate-Type Characters in Video Games, Cartoons, Television Commercials, Apps and more REGULARLY.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
back on the high seas after another prosperous treasure haul. Wait to count all our precious gems. What was that, Captain we're seeing. All right. I guess. Then congratulations. You've just become the new first mate of our motley crew of a 3 to 6 pirates. The good news is we have a ship full of glorious booty gems, treasure chests and all sorts of useful items. The bad news is where we seem to be under attack and water is leaking in fast. There is much to do from marketing water out patching breeches or firing cannons. I see you are in that treasure. Don't even think about grabbing the loot for yourself. Too late. She took too much water. We're going down in. We're sinking Win by either defeating the enemy and having the most glued at the end of the game. Or keep your pockets like an abandoned ship, leaving your greedy crew members to sink to Davy Jones's locker. Will you work together to perform urgent tasks or lie to manipulate for your own selfish schemes? Four different horrible enemies to choose from, find hidden loot and upgrades and featuring a magnificent ship Every captain would be proud of if they can keep it afloat, that is. So what Say you? Will you save the ship or save yourself? We're sinking A pirate's dilemma. Plunder now on Kickstarter.