Anime Cartoon Hero Animation - Lead - Character - Villain English



Anime Demo - Cartoon - Hero - Animation - Lead - Character - Villain
From a few shows in where I did 4-5 seasons as lead and supporting characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Uh huh. What a sad bunch of amateurs. The right arms and left arms have power, but they don't move in. Sync those legs of there's air slowly moving in our direction. But it's taking time on I don't feel like waiting anymore. The Hound battalion will capture these so called original armed soldiers and deliver them for us to the chapel. Children, you're two tents. Stay calm. The computer is monitoring the area. It will pick up any problems. Yes, sir. Tomorrow And Gundam right here. You're too far from white base. Stay within 10 kilometers on the starboard side. Okay, Check that. Each station is air tight. Can you do that for me, please? Sure. Operators are Helmsman is a rookie, so you'll have to be ready to give quick responses Toe orders. Well, of course, we'll certainly do our best, Mr Bright. Thank you. The moose. I will be coming after what happened out there at us. I don't think the Red comment will give up his attacks to the Activate Gundam, would you're in no position to dictate our battle strategy? Don't you realize you're underestimating the talents of the Red Common