Video Game/ Character Reel - Conversational, Confident, Empathetic



This was made purely to demonstrate my more natural-sounding medium voice. Great for heroic RPGs, typical male protagonists, \"best friend\" characters, Deep and brooding types, as well as countless more!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm number four in our house. Go. Named gallant. But between you and me, my real name's Kerrigan. Something tells me you and I are gonna get along just fine. I get it. You were trapped and you wanted to get out of there. We all do. Especially Sammy. But beck Rebecca if we're hiding from something, if we're always running away, are we really free? Besides look how cute she is? She's all warm and fluffy looking like a little red dog. Hey, are you blind or just stupid. Gotcha. Pretty clever trick. Huh? I didn't know you could talk. That's amazing. I don't know. It's just something feels off. I can't quite explain it. There's something about the city that really calms me. It feels like I've been here before. Hey, Hey, you calling in sick again tomorrow? You're hopeless man. You're lucky to have a friend like me to deliver your homework. What you got Bridget to do it. Ah No problem. Yeah. Less work for me. Right. Feel better. Yeah. Bye. Did I just get outmaneuvered