

Many characters such as underground black market dealer, Punisher inspired bad ass, Side kick, Mad Scientist, Rogue AI, Dwarf, and more

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) Spanish (Neutral - International)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
good. Good. But unfortunately for you, my Augmentor, amigo. Right place. Wrong time. There's a bounty on that shiny cabeza of yours. Sorry, amigo. E really need those credits. Plus, I could really use those aftermarket parts of yours. Machado's first thing they do is freeze, like always the number ones. A freebie, then freak for the rest, for price. You like any riel? Emotional strength, Compulsive Addictive, given to crippling attacks of anxiety and depression. That's our evaluation of you, Adam. You are no hero. You must be destroyed. At least I got it. Okay, you got this, E Oh, come on, you piece ish? E no. Are you crazy? It's a mummy. Oh, that's shiny. Okay, just a little bit further. And there we go. I'm sorry, really, But you don't need it. I mean, you're already dead and way. I'd rather we get lucky hunting. There's Mitch mouth dragon snapper. Harry. Speaking of which just why are we walking through muck that have taken the high and breezy around? Yes. Who? You morons. You knuckle dragging Neanderthals that lasts perfect cocktail you allowed me to mix contained a hidden, pre programmed shape shifting molecule. I designed I I just drank a 24 hour superpower serum. You idiots