Animation Demo

Profile photo for Cam Parkes
Not Yet Rated


Various voices for animated characters, including cartoons, videogames, movies, etc. All written by me except for Some Things Never Change from Frozen 2.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cam Parks. The lair has three entrances here, here, here and here I'll go in the front. Yo, ho yo ho. A pirate's life for me. Drink up me. Hearty's yo, ho ho ho. Now, what do we be having here? I know I'm a small, no, but I still want to help fight the goblins. A true warrior must be a warrior regardless of their size, shape, gender or the opponent they face. Now hit me. Ok. Wow! Ok. So you, you can hit an old man in the face. What are you gonna sing a song about it? The leaves are already falling. Then it feels like the future is calling. Are you telling me tonight? You're gonna get down on one? It was a beautiful day. The coin of a where you just wanted to chuck a sickie head down the bottle and crack open a Tenny a uh but not me. I had to lead a tall group full of ankle biters and dr and let me tell you this group was enough to make me start wanting to crack right away. There were so many bad guys in New York. Hey, you stay away from me, I'll cast fireball on you. Yeah. Well, hello, Doctor Badley. How nice to out. Why would you do that? That's so child out. You're still just as mean as ever. Look. I know you're scared and you feel like giving up, but this is not where your story ends.