Animated Explainer - Medical and Political

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Video Narration


Animated Explainer describing an issue in Michigan that requires a voice for the political and medical spheres.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
imagine this. You and your family board a flight soon after take off one of the plane's engines catches on fire. The seatbelt sign turns on. You expect a calm and reassuring voice to come over the intercom. But what if airlines in a bid to save money decided to fly without the captain and didn't tell you? Now? Imagine your loved one going to the hospital for a procedure that requires anesthesia. You expect them to be cared for by a well educated, trained and experienced physician. Right. Someone who can handle any emergency while they're unconscious. Why would you ever agree to a medically induced coma without a physician in charge? This potentially life threatening situation is what michigan lawmakers could soon allow your representatives in Lansing want to remove the requirement of physician led care from every anesthetic in michigan and allow nurse anesthetists to replace physicians leaving you exposed to serious risk. If this bill passes, your hospital would charge the same fees for potentially risky care without informing you about it. Your life might end up in the hands of a copilot not trained to be solo. Anesthesiology is a field of medicine requiring a vast amount of knowledge, rigorous training and precise medical judgment. A physician anesthesiologist has 4.5 times the hours of clinical training and double the education compared to a nurse anesthetist. That experience and knowledge what a nurse anesthetist simply doesn't know can make the difference between life and death during an emergency. Recent polls show, Republican and Democratic voters oppose removing physician led anesthesia care for michiganders. One in every three michigan voters said they would be less likely to support their legislator If they voted for the bill, contact your state senator and tell them to keep physicians in charge while you and your loved ones are under anesthesia. HB 43 59 is not safe. It's not transparent and it's not necessary. Urge your state senator to vote no on hB 43 59. For more information and to contact your state senator. Go to M. I. Safe Care dot com. Yeah. Mhm.