Yoshi, British Military Soldier & Andrew Ryan Gaming VO Demo

Profile photo for Andrew Neal
Not Yet Rated


All voices are listed in order below:

Voice 1 - Yoshi, \"Super Mario World\"
Voice 2 - Captain Price, \"Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare\"
Voice 3 - Andrew Ryan, \"Bioshock\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ah ah ha. The human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is his last day on earth. But I think that's a luxury. Not a curse. To know you're close to. The end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take inventory. The assassin has overcome my final defense and now he's come to murder me In the end. What separates a man from a slave? Money power? No. A man chooses a slave. Oh! Base. You think you have memories. A farm, a family, an airplane, a crash. And then this place, Was there really a family? Did that airplane crash? Or was it hijacked forced down by something less than a man? Something bread to sleepwalk through life until activated by a simple phrase from their kindly master Was a man sent to kill or a slave. A man chooses, a slave obeys.