David Coon Narration Demo Happy, Thoughtful, Corporate



This demo showcases an collection of authentic, authoritative, blue collar, sincere, and personable reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
meet ASHA and Nicholas, who just got married. They know they need life insurance and a financial plan for a trust from ASHA's parents. They begin by going online. M Financial uses advanced AI marketing to create digital consumer leads, which we pass along to our member firms. Three G gave us Internet on the go four g gave us broadband at our fingertips. So what is five G giving us to put it simply ubiquitous Internet. That may be radically better and faster than what we've had before. Some are saying as much as 200 times faster. Getting the job done right isn't as easy as it might sound. It starts with safety, which is integrated into everything we dio. In fact, we're the first company ever to earn memberships to both the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program and the Oil and Gas Safe Site program. Some giants must eat nonstop, and other giants may not eat for a year. In the Pacific Ocean, it's E or be eaten one third of our planet, the biggest ocean on earth with the largest appetite text field includes Elektronik, confined space monitoring, unmanned distribution, real time location services, intelligent devices, drone technology, Cloud based software services and Data Analytics. Text field delivers maximum return to the business through more informed decision making. Welcome to using risk assessment with investment advisory prospects. Today, you'll learn how you can acquire clients through dynamic risk conversations. This course contains audio and will take approximately 12 minutes to complete. When you're ready, click next to continue.