Commercial 2023 Demo

Television Ad


Samples from:

Taco Bell
Sports Authority
Lance Sandwich Crackers
Samsung Galaxy
Finders Keepers

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now with Taco Bell's app, you can build your own $5 cravings box because you know what you crave at Taco Bell so eat like you take your competition to the pro level and the Nike air max, hyper aggressive basketball shoe rule the game. Sports authority Lance sandwich crackers. Fresh baked crackers outside our fresh made peanut butter inside because it's what's inside that counts, collisions affect everyone like those on the road and those who care about them. That's why we make cars that can break before you do. You can do with one finger amuse a baby make toast. Get to know your doctor. Reallocate your entire investment portfolio with E Trade. The Samsung Galaxy Note nine is the most powerful note ever, which means you can start streaming, downloading and posting faster than ever with the crazy fast network connection everywhere I go, people just love hanging out with me. It's pretty cool. Sure they like me but I always have dimmable and totally delicious Tostitos, Tostitos get together already excitement awaits inside every finders keepers candy and toy surprise packed with the chocolate candy. What's inside your finder's keepers box. For nearly 20 years, the Toronto raptors have battled their rivals to the South. Hard lessons were learned. The underdogs are handed nothing. They must fight for every inch